Sleepful in Seattle
I guess the good thing about this weather is that I've had more than enough time to try to get rid of my jetlag. Apart from that, I've more or less been staying inside, roaming around the Internet. There was a period of sunshine yesterday, in which I took the chance to have a stroll around the city. It's a pretty cool place, though I had one of those "you know you're back in the USA when..." moments as I got off the bus on the first day and noticed the lack of cleanliness, as opposed to Canadian cities, which tend to be rather clean.
Due to the aforementioned weather, I've only seen a limited amount of the city's sights, though one gets the impression that there isn't a lot more to see beyond what I've already seen. The first major attraction I knocked off the list was the Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum, both of which were incredible, although more so the Science Fiction Museum for its sheer number of artifacts from the sci-fi world. Another cool place I visited was The Elliot Bay Book Company, which was the coffee shop/bookstore that loosely inspired Café Nervosa, one of the main settings on the TV sitcom Frasier. The place was huge, and I could have easily spent a fortune there (if I had a fortune to spend). The last place I went to was the Central Library, which had some nice modern architecture for a library.
That's about it for Seattle. I'm off to Vancouver tomorrow, hopefully in the morning.
Seattle overview
Days spent: 4
Overcast days: 3.5
Gourmet coffee shops: Almost 1 per person
Theme song/s: Pearl Jam - Present Tense
I've also copied my TIFF reviews onto my new sub-blog, headless reviews, where I will post any future reviews - I will now only link to reviews, as opposed to placing them within blog posts in verbatim. However, as well as appearing on the new site, past reviews will also remain in their respective posts as I am too lazy to edit all of the posts to fit the new format.
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